Category: News
Expanding your Business: Top tips to help secure Bank Credit
Following the Government’s launch of Budget 2025 consumers are going to have more spending power in their pockets. This might be a good time for you to consider expanding your...
Credit Review – ensuring viable SMEs and farms have access to bank credit to accelerate business growth
Many Irish businesses are now repaying Warehoused Tax Debt to Revenue following the 1st May deadline for repayment arrangements. With this additional cash outflow, business owners...
Revenue Debt Warehousing, Debt Restructuring and SME Cashflows
The government Debt Warehousing Scheme provided vital financial relief to businesses coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, allowing the deferring of tax liabilities. It eased...
Revenue Tax Warehousing – Do I need to Restructure my Business Debt?
Good news for the SME businesses who incurred pandemic related tax debts and utilised the Revenue tax debt warehousing scheme, with Minister McGrath’s recent announcement of...
Could my Business Debt be sold to a Non-Bank Entity in a loan sale?
To sustain and grow their business SME’s and farmers need continued access to credit finance and a day-to-day banking partner. Ability to repay debt can be impacted by volatile...
Budgeting : a necessity when seeking credit from your bank
In the week that the Government launches Budget 2024, it's equally important for you to address financial planning for your business. Budgeting and financial planning is crucial...
A good Credit History can be key to securing credit
Borrowers should be aware that when assessing a credit or loan application Banks and Credit Providers will look at your recent credit history (covering repayments on all loans...
Credit Review Market Commentary welcomed by Minister McGrath
The latest Credit Review Market Commentary report observes that credit demand for new money across Ireland remains muted. The expectation however is that as the economy gets...
Rising interest rates can impact a business’s ability to access and service debt
Credit Review was set up by the Minister for Finance to ensure viable businesses have access to credit from Irish banks. Our appeals process allows businesses to have an...
Credit Review – Helping Business Seeking Restructured Debt
Following the volatile trading of the last 3 years, Irish SME’s and farm businesses are now facing rising business and interest rate costs. This can put pressure on cashflows as...